

SS. God's mission is my mission

Lesson № 1 God's Mission and Us (Part 1). The creation of Adam and the fall into sin (general breakdown). FIRST MEETING.

Lesson № 1 God's Mission and Us (Part 1). Christ became one of us (general breakdown). SECOND MEETING.

Lesson № 1 Amazing God.

Lesson № 2 God's Mission and Us - Part 2 (general breakdown).

Lesson № 2 The doctrine of the trinity in church history.

Lesson № 3 God calls for mission fulfillment (general breakdown).

Lesson № 3 Babylon and Abraham's exit.

Lesson № 4 Participating in God's Mission (general breakdown).

Lesson № 4 Christ's encounter with Abraham. Lot and Sodom.

Lesson № 5 Jonah's flight and Nineveh's repentance.

Lesson № 5 Excuses to Avoid the Mission (general breakdown).

Lesson №6 Mission Encouragement and Preparation (general overview).

Lesson № 6 Journey to the Coffin (A. Bokertov).

Lesson № 7 Mission to the Neighbor (general breakdown).

Lesson № 7 The Law and the Parable of Jesus.

Lesson № 8 Mission to the needy (general breakdown).

Lesson № 8 Your sins are forgiven you. The story of the healing of a paralyzed man.

Lesson № 9 Mission to the powers that be (general breakdown).

Lesson № 9 Nicodemus and Christ. Divine lessons.

Lesson № 10 Mission for those who have not heard the message - Part 1 (general breakdown).

Lesson № 10 Philosophy of Paganism in "Christianity."

Lesson № 11 Mission for those who have not heard the message - Part 2 (overview).

Lesson № 11 The Gentile woman and the rejection of Jesus.

Lesson № 12 Esther and Mardochaeus (overview).

Lesson №12 The Book of Esther and parallels to the Sunday legislation. A Different View.

Lesson № 13 The Completion of God's Mission (overview).

 Lesson № 13 Summarizing.