


Sermons on various topics

Short Subjects

The Gospel of Isaiah

The Epistle of John

Psalms of David

Seminars and sermon series

"Saturday School" breakdowns

Analysis of the book "The Desire of Ages."

David Gates, Discussions (new)

Trinity (big new study)

Guests of Thirsty Church

Newspaper: "Present Truth"

Christ and the Sabbath

PROJECT. The Bible and the Great Struggle

Theme Series: "Get Ready"

Tithes, offerings

Reports. Church statistics

The School of the Gospel

The release of the book "The Day of the Lord"

David Gates Seminar: The Battle of Faith

The release of the book Spiritism in Christianity

Разбор "Послания к Римлянам"

Announcements on Thirsty Church

Religious freedom

Papal doctrines, exposé.

Eternal Covenant

The last generation

War in Ukraine

The Gospels of the Hebrews (study)

Papacy. Second Vatican Council

The Great Struggle (book distribution reports)

The two natures of Christ. Connections and interactions

The human nature of Christ

History of the nation of Israel

Deuteronomy. Truth for the present tense

Ascension of Christ

Siberian Group.


Patriarch Jacob and the events of his life

David's fall and repentance

Book of Numbers

Discussions, Q&A

A voice crying out in the wilderness

Research Cycle: The Book of Job - old questions and new answers! Analysing the book in light of the great conflict!

Children's ministry

The History of the Earthly Sanctuary

Christianity at the mercy of Stalinism and Nazism

Holy Spirit

Round-table discussion

The history and lessons of the earth sanctuary

Trinity. A biblical view of the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

Mind, character, personality

If you're disappointed in yourself, look to God.

Bible Study Workshops

War and Creation in the Light of the Bible

The everlasting gospel in diagrams

The Trinity - a view of historic Adventism

Right Hand of the Gospel

A psychology doctor has come to the aid of the Adventist people

Obsession - truth and misconceptions

An interview with the people of God

Single sermons

The Feasts of Israel and the plan of salvation

Who died on the cross God or man?

Blessings and curses

Saturday meetings

Recent key developments, threats and dangers

The 10 Commandments are God's law that has been ruined....

Health. Barbara Oneil

The greatest plan in the universe

The Structure and Cult of the Catholic Harlot, Doctrine and Reformation

Court of Inquiry and 144,000

The papacy is Satan's answer to Christ's Calvary sacrifice

The tasks of the three angels' message under the threat of extinction