

Cycle. The book of Job - old questions and new answers! Analyzing the book in light of the great conflict!

Topic № 1 An experiment on faith! Satan in council! (Job. 1 ch.) - 1 h.

Topic № 2 An experiment in faith! Job and the 144,000 (Job 1 ch.).

Topic № 3 The Second Council of God in heaven and Satan. A look behind the scenes (2 ch.).

Topic № 4 The Second Council of God in Heaven and Satan. A look behind the scenes - part 2.

Topic № 5 Cursing and wishing death, the paradox of the righteous! (3 ch.)-h. 1

Topic № 6 Cursing and wishing death, the paradox of the righteous! (3 ch.)-h. 2

Topic № 7 Eliphaz's Theology Today! - Ch. 1 (Analysis of Ch. 4).

Topic № 8 Eliphaz and the involvement of angels, what does the future hold for us? (Chapter 5).

Topic № 9 Job's answer to Eliphaz, or what do you want from me? (Ch. 6).

Topic № 10 Job and his first questions to God. Why does man live (ch. 7).