

SS. In the beginning. Book of Genesis

Lesson № 1 Creation (general breakdown).

Lesson № 1 Creation. Why would Jesus take these risks? Free reflection on creation.

Lesson № 2 The Sinful Fall (general discussion).

Lesson № 2 The Fall. Analysis of the fall of Eve - mysteries and suspicions. - ч. 1

Lesson № 2 The Fall. Analyzing the Fall of Adam - Details and Facts - Part 2

Lesson № 3 Cain and his legacy (general breakdown).

Lesson № 3 Cain and Abel are two sons of Adam. Their occupation - ch. 1.

Lesson № 3 The sacrifice of Cain is the real CAUSE? - ч. 2.

Lesson № 4 Flood (general breakdown).

Lesson № 4 The Flood. The condition of pre-flood people - part 1.

Lesson № 4 The Flood. The subtleties of the realization of the catastrophe - part 2.

Lesson № 5 Babylon and Other Nations (general breakdown).

Lesson № 5 After the Flood. The breakdown of events - ch. 1 (Analyze Gen. 8-9 ch.).

Lesson № 5 The Tower of Babel and God's "protest" - ch. 2 (Analyzing Gen. 11 ch.).

Lesson № 6 Roots of Abraham (general breakdown).

Lesson № 6 Roots of Abraham. The Calling of Abraham, (Analyze Gen. 12 ch.).

Lesson № 7 The Faith of Abraham (general breakdown).

Lesson № 7 The Covenant with Abraham and today's pagan interpretation (Analyzing Gen. 17 ch.).

Lesson № 7 Circumcision - Why God wants it. Risks to God (Analyze Genesis 17:17).

Lesson № 7 God and the covenant with Abraham - the durability of this idea in light of the Gospel (Gen. 15 ch.).

Lesson № 7 The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - God's Answers - Part 1.

Lesson № 7 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - continue to answer - part 2.

Lesson № 7 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - continue to answer - ch. 3

Lesson № 7 Lotov's wife - who is guilty - part 4.

Lesson № 8 Promise (general breakdown).

Lesson № 8 "Abraham - sacrifice a son." What is even happening?

Lesson № 9 Jacob is a stutterer (general parsing).

Lesson № 9 Jacob and Esau. Primogeniture - what is this thing? (Analyze Genesis 25 ch.).

Lesson № 10 Jacob-Israel(general breakdown).

Lesson № 11 Lord of Dreams (general breakdown).

Lesson № 11 Joseph is the means for Egypt's repentance. A cheerful journey into slavery.

Lesson № 12 Joseph and God's plan. Why is God leading Israel into Egypt?

Lesson № 12 Joseph, Prince of Egypt (overview).

Lesson № 13. Israel in Egypt (general overview).

Lesson № 13 Settlement in Egypt. Important Points (Analyze Genesis chapters 46-49).