

SS. The Book of Psalms

Lesson № 1 How to read the Psalms (general breakdown).

Lesson 1: "Blessed is the man..." (Psalm 1).

Lesson № 2 Teach us how to pray (general breakdown).

Lesson № 2 About the Lord's Prayer. A prayer that is not for everyone.

Lesson № 3 The Lord reigns (general breakdown).

Lesson № 3 The mightiness of God and our delight in Him. (Ps. 92; Ps. 96).

Lesson № 5 Song of the Lord in a strange land (general breakdown).

Lesson № 5. Seeking You Lord (Psalm 62).

 Lesson № 6 Now I will rise. (general parsing).

Lesson № 6 Suffering and Punishment. Our God is a Rock (Psalm 93, 145, 17)

Lesson № 7 Thy mercy is great unto heaven (general breakdown).

Lesson № 7 The Mercy of God - depth of attribute and popular error (Psalm 135).

Lesson № 8 Wisdom for righteous living (general breakdown).

Lesson № 8 God's Fatherly Heart. How exceedingly fortunate we all are! (Psalm 102).

Lesson № 9 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (general discussion).

Lesson № 9 The Lord is my Shepherd. To seek happiness is selfishness (Psalm 22).

Lesson № 10 Lessons from the Past (general overview).

Lesson №10 God is part of my heritage. Human nature and mechanisms. (Ps. 15).

Lesson № 11 Thirst for God in Zion (general breakdown).

Lesson № 11 Are Your dwellings for me to covet - O Lord? (Psalm 83).

Lesson № 12 Eternal Worship (general breakdown).

Lesson № 12 I will not be shaken forever (Psalm 29).

Lesson № 13 Trust in the Lord (general breakdown).

Lesson № 13 It's time to change your ideas about God. (Psalm 26).