

SS. The Great Controversy

Lesson № 1 The war from which all wars (general breakdown).

Lesson № 1 The war from which all wars are made. The erroneous wording of the SS manual.

Lesson № 2 What's most important: love or self-love? (general breakdown).

Lesson № 2 Destruction of Jerusalem

Lesson № 3 A light in the darkness shines (general breakdown).

Lesson № 3 Persecution in the first centuries. The Beginning of the Departure from the Truth

Lesson № 4 Standing up for the truth (general breakdown).

Lesson № 4 The Age of Spiritual Darkness. Papacy

Lesson № 5 Faith in spite of everything (general breakdown).

Lesson № 5 Justification by deeds

Lesson № 6 Two Witnesses (general breakdown).

Lesson № 7 The hope that moves us (general breakdown).

Lesson № 7 Missing statement (Topic № 1)

Lesson № 7 Repetition of a tragic mistake (additional material to the SS. Analysis of Revelation 14, Topic № 2)

Lesson № 8 Light from the sanctuary (general breakdown).

Lesson № 8 The ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. Reflections without Censorship - Part 1

“God's Design in the Concept of the Sanctuary” (Supplemental Material for SS. Lesson № 8 part 2)

Lesson № 9 The Foundation of God's Rule (general breakdown).

Lesson № 9 The whole essence of the Law is in one commandment.

Lesson № 10 Exposing Spiritism (general breakdown).

Lesson № 10 Spiritism, psychology, or the everlasting gospel?

Lesson № 11 Impending conflict(general breakdown).

Lesson № 11 The image of the beast. Patterns of history and the mechanism of their repetition in the future.

Lesson № 12 The final events of earth's history (general breakdown).

Lesson № 12 Waiting for the loud cry. Waiting well.